Tag: shiitake
4 Results
Grower Profile: Cascadia Mushrooms in Bellingham, Washington
At first glance, mushroom mycelium can be somewhat unassuming. Because it doesn’t look like much is happening, the casual observer might not expect anything from this white filament like substance, slowly feasting its way across organic matter. But behind this humble appearance hides an enormous amount of potential energy, which- if properly handled- can be unleashed in
How To Grow Mushrooms On Logs And Stumps With Plug Spawn
Growing mushrooms on logs is a fun and low maintenance way to enjoy fresh mushrooms at home. Even if you only have a small backyard, log-grown mushrooms can be a fun and fruitful addition to your urban landscape. Any hardwood loving species can be grown on logs. That includes Shiitake, Oysters, Reishi, and even Lion’s
Getting a Second Flush from Shiitake Blocks
One of my favorite things about growing mushrooms is how they just keep giving and giving! Once you get a successful first flush, you are likely to get second, third and sometimes even fourth flush off the same straw log or fruiting block. Getting multiple flushes is the best way to get the highest overall
Growing Shiitake Mushrooms
There are few mushrooms as iconic as The Shiitake. And although growing shiitake mushrooms requires some specialized skills and tactics, it is still a strong favorite among cultivators- both professional and amateur alike. In fact, Shiitake is one of the most commonly cultivated mushrooms in the world. And for good reason. The Shiitake is a